Effect Of 15 Days Of Betaine Ingestion On Concentric And Eccentric Force Outputs During Isokinetic Exercise


Supplementation of betaine at 2.5g daily for two weeks in recreationally active men failed to increase eccentric and concentretic power output in otherwise healthy subjects, and while there was no overall differences in fatigue the increase in fatigue during the workout appears to be minorly attenuated with betaine supplementation.

Ergogenic Effects Of Betaine Supplementation On Strength And Power Performance

In otherwise healthy men with at least three months of training, supplementation of betaine (2.5g daily in two divided doses of 1.25g) for two weeks given a weight training program (mixture of power based exercise and standard weight training) noted that power output was increased on the bench press when assessing isometric and peak power output whereas the squat only saw benefit with isometric; repetitions to fatigue at 85% 1RM failed to see improvement.


Funded by Danesco

Ergogenic Effects Of Betaine Supplementation On Strength And Power Performance

In otherwise healthy men with at least three months of training, supplementation of betaine (2.5g daily in two divided doses of 1.25g) for two weeks given a weight training program (mixture of power based exercise and standard weight training) noted that power output was increased on the bench press when assessing isometric and peak power output whereas the squat only saw benefit with isometric; repetitions to fatigue at 85% 1RM failed to see improvement.


Funded by Danesco

The Effects Of Chronic Betaine Supplementation On Exercise Performance, Skeletal Muscle Oxygen Saturation And Associated Biochemical Parameters In Resistance Trained Men

Supplementation of 2.5g TMG with 500mL gatorade in resistance trained men for two weeks appears to (in a fasted condition following a final 1.25g dose) increase work volume conducted on the bench press during the workout by 6.5%, although the increase of reps during any particular set or maximal power output were not affected.

The increase in lactate production seen in placebo (270%) was attenuated with betaine (210%), but lipid peroxidation (MDA) and nitric oxide (assessed by NOx) were unaffected.


Supported by Danisco and The University of Memphis

Effect Of Betaine Supplementation On Power Performance And Fatigue

In active college aged men given betaine supplementation at 2.5g daily for a period of two weeks, there were no improvements in power output assessed by wingate, bench throw or squat jump but when promoted to exercise to fatigue (90% of 1RM on bench or squat) but did not benefit bench press performance. There were no differences in perceived fatigue nor soreness between groups.


Funded by Danisco, no conflict of interest stated

Effect Of Betaine Supplementation On Cycling Sprint Performance

Oral supplementation of betaine at 2.5g daily over the course of two weeks appears to increase average (3.4%) and maximum (3.8%) peak power output on a cycling test (four 12s sprints against resistance) as well as average (3.3%) and peak (3.5%) mean power output relative to placebo


Funded by Dupont Nutrition

Creatine But Not Betaine Supplementation Increases Muscle Phosphorylcreatine Content And Strength Performance

Supplementation of 2g betaine over the course of 10 days to otherwise healthy adult men (sedentary) failed to increase phosphocreatine content in muscle tissue and failed to augment the creatine induced increase when 2g of betaine was added to 20g creatine.