Tinospora rumphii Boerl. (makabuhay) in the treatment of scabies
効果 | 減少 |
試験方法 | コホート法 |
試験期間 | 1-7 日 |
被験者数 | 40 |
性別 | 男女 |
Application of a lotion containing _tinospora cordifolia_ in persons infected with scabies for 3-5 days followed by a rest period was able to significantly reduce symptoms to a degree greater than placebo oil (vegetable). Study was not double-blinded, and the experimental group experienced 8 complete cures with 18 partial cures ()
A comparative study of the efficacy of crotamiton and Tinospora rumphii in the treatment of scabies in children
効果 | 減少 |
試験方法 | コホート法 |
試験期間 | 1-7 日 |
被験者数 | 86 |
性別 | 男女 |
Topical application of a lotion containing _tinospora cordifolia_ for three days in persons infected with scabies (symptoms followed up for 3-13 days) was able to help symptoms in all but 7% of patients. The potency was comparable to Crotamiton.
Efficacy And Safety Of Tinospora Cordifolia Lotion In Sarcoptes Scabiei Var Hominis-infected Pediatric Patients: A Single Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial
効果 | 減少 |
試験方法 | コホート法 |
試験期間 | 1-6 ヶ月 |
被験者数 | 66 |
性別 | 男女 |
年齢 | 1-6, 7-12, 13-17 |
In yotuh infected scabies that were treated with a lotion containing guduchi () for five weeks, guduchi cream was as effective in reducing symptoms as the reference therapy (permethrin lotion).
Study was single blinded and dosage was not explicitly stated.