
Creatine Monohydrate Enhances Strength And Body Composition In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 30
性別 男性
年齢 7-12
体型 肥満, 肥満

In thirty children given creatine supplementation at around 2-5g daily (half of which were on corticosteroids) for four months of time, supplementation of creatine was associated with an increase in strength of the dominant hand (but not the other) and an almost significant reduction in whole body strength seen in placebo was prevented with creatine.

There were no improvements on activities of daily living or lung function, and there was no influence on DNA damage as assessed by the 8-OH-2-dG/creatinine ratio (but creatinine was also unaffected).

Creatine Supplementation And Health Variables: A Retrospective Study
効果 なし
試験方法 コントロールなし/観察研究
試験期間 不明
被験者数 26
性別 男女
年齢 18-29
体型 トレーニング中, 平均

In athletes who reported (retrospectively) creatine usage for up to four years, there was no significant adverse effect on healthy markers, although a nonsignificant trend to increase testosterone and decrease LDH (lactate dehydrogenase, a liver enzyme) was noted.

Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Does Not Improve Functional Recovery After Total Knee Arthroplasty
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 37
性別 男女
年齢 45-64
体型 肥満

Supplementation of creatine monohydrate at 10g leading up to surgery (10 days) and then 5g daily for a month afterwards failed to modify the recovery rate from surgery or any other measured parameter, although a trend to increase handgrip strength occurred independent of increases in muscular creatine stores.

Creatine Monohydrate Supplementation Does Not Increase Muscle Strength, Lean Body Mass, Or Muscle Phosphocreatine In Patients With Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 34
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+
体型 平均

5 g/day for 4 months in individuals with myotonic dystrophy type I (DM1) failed to improve muscular strength (handgrip) or lung function (FEV1) relative to placebo, nor was there any influence on functional tests or biochemical parameters.

A Randomized Sequential Trial Of Creatine In Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 6+ Months
被験者数 175
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+

10 g/day (5 g twice a day) for 16 months, as an adjuvant to riluzole, attenuated the loss rate of muscle strength but not of lung function. Survival was not affected to a significant extent. The treatment was well tolerated.

Effects Of Long-term Creatine Supplementation On Liver And Kidney Functions In American College Football Players
効果 なし
試験方法 コントロールなし/観察研究
試験期間 不明
被験者数 23
性別 男性
年齢 18-29

This retrospective study failed to find a link between creatine supplementation and any biomarker of health, suggesting no ill effects.

Effects Of Creatine Supplementation In Taekwondo Practitioners
効果 減少
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 10
性別 男性
年齢 18-29
体型 トレーニング中, 平均

50 mg/kg/day (approximately 3.5 g, alongside 30 g of sucrose) for 6 weeks increased the circulating triglycerides and body fat percentage (+0.17%) of martial artists, but not their fat mass. Lactate and liver enzymes were lower, relative to placebo, but not to a significant extent.

管理人 :慶應義塾大学の理工学部卒業後、国内外でコンサルティング業務やスタートアップの立ち上げを経験した後、日本に帰国してから健康・医療の情報を収集して発信しています。 趣味:ネットサーフィン、読書(最近かなり減ってますが)、アウトドア(家族と) 毎日メディテーションとジョギング、筋トレ・ストレッチしています。既婚で子供4人(男女女男)です。