
Effect Of Conjugated Linoleic Acid On Body Fat Accretion In Overweight Or Obese Children

効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 不明
被験者数 53
性別 不明

Over 7+/-0.5 months in prepubertal overweight/obese children given 3g CLA daily, CLA reduced the increase of BMI seen in the placebo group from 1.1+/-1.1 to 0.5+/-0.8, with statistically significant but clinically irrelevant fat loss (0.5kg over 7 months, whereas placebo gained 1.3kg).

HDL-cholesterol decreased by 5.1+/-7.3mg/dL in CLA and by -0.7 +/- 8mg/dL in placebo, which was significant.

Time-dependent Effects Of Safflower Oil To Improve Glycemia, Inflammation And Blood Lipids In Obese, Post-menopausal Women With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-masked, Crossover Study
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 2-4 週間
被験者数 55
性別 女性
年齢 45-64, 65+
体型 肥満

In postmenopausal, diabetic women; CLA at 8g daily for 16 weeks was unable to influence parameters of glucose metabolism (almost reaching significance in decreasing glucose) whereas the control, safflower oil, was able to decrease HbA1c levels.

16 weeks of safflower oil was able to slightly benefit lipid metabolism, and nothing was reported with CLA.

Effects Of Dairy Products Naturally Enriched With Cis-9,trans-11 Conjugated Linoleic Acid On The Blood Lipid Profile In Healthy Middle-aged Men
効果 なし
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 不明
被験者数 32
性別 不明

6 weeks of consumption of dairy products containing 1.421g CLA daily do not influence any of the above parameters such as weight or blood lipids.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid Versus High-oleic Acid Sunflower Oil: Effects On Energy Metabolism, Glucose Tolerance, Blood Lipids, Appetite And Body Composition In Regularly Exercising Individuals
効果 減少
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 不明
被験者数 62
性別 不明

In healthy and exercising normal weight men and women, CLA at 4g daily for 12 weeks was unable to influence parameters of body composition.

Women had reductions in both HDL and LDL, and lower insulin concentrations.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid Increases Skeletal Muscle Ceramide Content And Decreases Insulin Sensitivity In Overweight, Non-diabetic Humans
効果 増加
試験方法 コホート法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 9
性別 男女
年齢 45-64
体型 肥満

In reponse to an oral glucose tolerance test, glucose and insulin AUC values were increased by 39% and 20%, respectively, when subjects consumed 4g of CLA daily for 12 weeks. This manifested itself as a lower insulin sensitivity.

管理人 :慶應義塾大学の理工学部卒業後、国内外でコンサルティング業務やスタートアップの立ち上げを経験した後、日本に帰国してから健康・医療の情報を収集して発信しています。 趣味:ネットサーフィン、読書(最近かなり減ってますが)、アウトドア(家族と) 毎日メディテーションとジョギング、筋トレ・ストレッチしています。既婚で子供4人(男女女男)です。