Bovine Colostrum Supplementation During Running Training Increases Intestinal Permeability


Supplementation of 60g bovine colostrum (immunoglobulin content not disclosed) daily for eight weeks alongside thrice weekly aerobic training noted that, when subject to a 30 minute run to exhaustion, that colostrum was associated with an increase in intestinal permeability without any overt gastointestinal side effects.

No performance parameter was increased with supplementation.


Funded by Numico, producer of the colostrum produced used

Bovine Colostrum Supplementation During Endurance Running Training Improves Recovery, But Not Performance


Supplementation of colostrum for eight weeks (60g, containing 2mg/kg IGF-1) in otherwise healthy mildly active adult males with whey protein as placebo noted that colostrum failed to influence performance on a treadmill running test (approximately 30 minutes) or biochemical parameters in the blood. Plasma IGF-1 was not different between groups.