Oral L-citrulline Supplementation Attenuates Blood Pressure Response To Cold Pressor Test In Young Men


In youth subject to a cold pressor test (which acutely increases blood pressure) noted that 4 weeks of citrulline supplementation at two daily doses of 3g (6g total) was able to attenuate the rise in systolic but not diastolic blood pressure relative to baseline.

L-citrulline Reduces Time To Exhaustion And Insulin Response To A Graded Exercise Test


In an incline walking test until failure in otherwise healthy persons, 3 or 9g citrulline (acutely or over 24 hours, respectively) appeared to actually reduce time to exhaustion (0.8%, a clinically irrelevant degree) and suppressed the exercise-induced increase in insulin. Other biomarkers tested were unaltered, although heart rate trended to decrease with 3g citrulline