Effect Of Chromium On Glucose And Lipid Profiles In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes; A Meta-analysis Review Of Randomized Trials


A meta-analysis on chromium in type II diabetics where supplementation lasted for over three months noted that, relative to placebo, there was a mild but significant reduction in blood glucose. HbA1c and all biomarkers of lipid metabolism, as well as weight, were all unaffected.

This meta-analysis was restricted to type II diabetics and the duration of at least three months, but at times included studies containing chromium enriched yeast and biotin supplementation alongside the chromium.

Effects Of Short-term Chromium Supplementation On Insulin Sensitivity And Body Composition In Overweight Children: Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study


400mcg chromium given to overweight children who were also given exercise and diet plans (relative to diet and exercise paired with placebo) over the course of six weeks failed to reduce bodyweight relative to placebo (at the P level of 0.05) but the reduction in fat mass and increase in lean mass was greater with chromium than with placebo.

Insulin sensitivity was improved to a statistically significant degree, but no other health variable was beneficially influenced.

Effects Of Chromium Brewer’s Yeast Supplementation On Body Mass, Blood Carbohydrates, And Lipids And Minerals In Type 2 Diabetic Patients


In obese type II diabetic subjects given trivalent chromium supplementation via Brewer’s Yeast (500mcg chromium) for eight weeks, supplementation was able to exert a minor hypoglycemic effect which failed to reach statistical significance (P=0.08) while trends on other biochemical parameters failed to reach statistical significance.

Elevated Intakes Of Supplemental Chromium Improve Glucose And Insulin Variables In Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes


4 months supplementation of 200mcg or 1,000mcg chromium (as picolinate) in type II diabetics was able to reduce fasting and postprandial blood glucose (higher dose only), fasting and postprandial insulin (both groups equally), HbA1c (higher dose only), and total cholesterol (higher dose only) with no influence on HDL nor body weight.


Supported by Nutrition 21, producer of chromium supplements

Role Of Chromium Supplementation In Indians With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


Supplementation of chromium to type II diabetics for 28 weeks noted a reduction in blood glucose relative to baseline and placebo, and the minor changes in HbA1c and insulin turned out to be significant due to an increase seen in placebo. Weight and blood pressure were not significantly different, nor were any parameter of lipid metabolism measured.

Chromium Treatment Has No Effect In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes In A Western Population: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial


Six months supplementation of chromium at 400mcg via enriched yeast to type II diabetics already on medications failed to confer any additional benefits, particularly the primary outcome (to see if a 0.5% reduction in HbA1c was reached).

Chromium Treatment Has No Effect In Patients With Poorly Controlled, Insulin-treated Type 2 Diabetes In An Obese Western Population: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial


Supplementation of 500-1,000mcg chromium (as picolinate) daily for six months in persons with type II diabetes on insulin therapy (but still poorly controlled) failed to find benefits with supplementation relative to placebo.

Influence Of Chromium-enriched Yeast On Blood Glucose And Insulin Variables, Blood Lipids, And Markers Of Oxidative Stress In Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


In obese type II diabetic (on medication) subjects given supplemental chromium via yeast (400 micrograms daily) for 12 weeks was associated with a decrease in blood glucose relative to placebo but all other measured biomarkers were unchanged, although a reduction in insulin and weight in both groups tended to decrease further with chromium.

Lipid peroxidation (MDA) was unaffected and the antioxidant enzymes were mostly unaffected, although a decrease in glutathoine and glutathione peroxidase seen at the end of the trial in placebo was mitigated with chromium.

The Effects Of Inorganic Chromium And Brewer’s Yeast Supplementation On Glucose Tolerance, Serum Lipids And Drug Dosage In Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes


Low dose chromium supplementation (23.3mcg) via Brewer’s Yeast and 200mcg chromium as trichloride for eight weeks in type II diabetics both appeared to reduce both fasting and postprandial blood glucose (75g glucose tolerance test) and was able to reduce fructosamine as well.

In Patients With HIV-infection, Chromium Supplementation Improves Insulin Resistance And Other Metabolic Abnormalities: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial


Supplementation of 400mcg chromium (as nicotinate) daily for 16 weeks in persons with HIV who were insulin resistant due to antiretroviral therapy appeared to improve insulin sensitivity and some other measured parameters such as triglycerides and weight when used as adjuvant.

Beneficial Effect Of Chromium Supplementation On Glucose, HbA1C And Lipid Variables In Individuals With Newly Onset Type-2 Diabetes


Supplementation of brewers yeast (conferring 42 μg chromium) in newly diagnosed diabetics for three months was able to significantly reduce blood glucose (47.6%), HbA1c (from 9.5% to 6.8%), and systolic blood pressure (12%) while causing some benefit to all lipid parameters except vLDL and HDL relative to placebo.

A Pilot Study Of Chromium Picolinate For Weight Loss


Supplementation of 1mg chromium as picolinate in obese adults over the course of 24 weeks failed to influence body weight either alone or in combination with nutritional education (teaching participants to eat better) and no other parameter in the blood or via CT scans was modified with supplementation.

Chromium Effects On Glucose Tolerance And Insulin Sensitivity In Persons At Risk For Diabetes Mellitus


Supplementation of chromium picolinate at 500mcg or 1,000mcg for six months in persons at risk for type II diabetes has failed to influence any biomarkers of glucose metabolism and was said to not confer any protection against the development of type II diabetes.

The Influence Of Chromium Chloride-containing Milk To Glycemic Control Of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Trial


The addition of 200mcg chromium (as chloride) to milk powder, relative to a milk powder placebo, in type II diabetics already on medication (gliclazide) noted that there was a reduction in blood glucose, insulin, and improvement in insulin sensitivity over the course of 16 weeks in men only.

Acute insulin response following an oral glucose tolerance test (10 minutes after) was unaffected in both sexes.

Chromium Picolinate Does Not Improve Key Features Of Metabolic Syndrome In Obese Nondiabetic Adults


Chromium supplementation at 1,000mcg daily (as picolinate) increased the acute insulin response to glucose but failed to influence any other measured parameter of metabolic syndrome after 16 weeks supplementation in adults with signs of metabolic syndrome yet no diagnosed diabetes.

Effect Of Supplementation With Chromium Picolinate On Antibody Titers To 5-hydroxymethyl Uracil


In 11 middle aged obese women given 400mcg chromium (as picolinate) daily for eight weeks, there was no observable change in the anti-HMdU antibody suggesting no DNA damage from supplementation.

Chromium Supplementation And The Effects On Metabolic Status In Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial


64 women with polycystic ovarian syndrome were randomized to receive 200 µg chromium picolinate or placebo for 8 weeks, and measures of insulin sensitivity and blood lipids were measured. Insulin sensitivity improved, and blood lipid profile trended toward significance.