
Influence Of Chromium-enriched Yeast On Blood Glucose And Insulin Variables, Blood Lipids, And Markers Of Oxidative Stress In Subjects With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

効果 減少
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 36
性別 男女
年齢 45-64, 65+
体型 肥満

In obese type II diabetic (on medication) subjects given supplemental chromium via yeast (400 micrograms daily) for 12 weeks was associated with a decrease in blood glucose relative to placebo but all other measured biomarkers were unchanged, although a reduction in insulin and weight in both groups tended to decrease further with chromium.

Lipid peroxidation (MDA) was unaffected and the antioxidant enzymes were mostly unaffected, although a decrease in glutathoine and glutathione peroxidase seen at the end of the trial in placebo was mitigated with chromium.

The Effects Of Inorganic Chromium And Brewer’s Yeast Supplementation On Glucose Tolerance, Serum Lipids And Drug Dosage In Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes
効果 減少
試験方法 二重盲検法
試験期間 1-6 ヶ月
被験者数 78
性別 男女
年齢 30-44, 45-64
体型 平均

Low dose chromium supplementation (23.3mcg) via Brewer’s Yeast and 200mcg chromium as trichloride for eight weeks in type II diabetics both appeared to reduce both fasting and postprandial blood glucose (75g glucose tolerance test) and was able to reduce fructosamine as well.

管理人 :慶應義塾大学の理工学部卒業後、国内外でコンサルティング業務やスタートアップの立ち上げを経験した後、日本に帰国してから健康・医療の情報を収集して発信しています。 趣味:ネットサーフィン、読書(最近かなり減ってますが)、アウトドア(家族と) 毎日メディテーションとジョギング、筋トレ・ストレッチしています。既婚で子供4人(男女女男)です。