Antioxidant Effects And Insulin Resistance Improvement Of Chromium Combined With Vitamin C And E Supplementation For Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


In type II diabetics with an HbA1c over 8.5% given 1mg of chromium via yeast, supplementation was associated with a reduction in blood glucose (11%) and HbA1c (0.7%, from 10.2% to 9.5%) alongside an increase in insulin sensitivity.

Lipid peroxidation, as assessed by TBARS, was also reduced with chromium by 18.7%. An increase in glutathoine peroxidase was noted, but catalase and SOD were unaffected.

A Pilot Study Of Chromium Picolinate For Weight Loss


Supplementation of 1mg chromium as picolinate in obese adults over the course of 24 weeks failed to influence body weight either alone or in combination with nutritional education (teaching participants to eat better) and no other parameter in the blood or via CT scans was modified with supplementation.

Chromium Effects On Glucose Tolerance And Insulin Sensitivity In Persons At Risk For Diabetes Mellitus


Supplementation of chromium picolinate at 500mcg or 1,000mcg for six months in persons at risk for type II diabetes has failed to influence any biomarkers of glucose metabolism and was said to not confer any protection against the development of type II diabetes.