Lack Of Prophylactic Efficacy Of An Enteric-coated Bovine Hyperimmune Milk Product Against Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Challenge Administered During A Standard Meal


Supplementation of colostrum (immunized against E.coli) in enteric capsules failed to exert protective effects against E.coli-induced diarrhea relative to placebo.

Randomized Control Trials Using A Tablet Formulation Of Hyperimmune Bovine Colostrum To Prevent Diarrhea Caused By Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli In Volunteers


400mg of immunized bovine colostrum given to participants prior to a meal (and with this meal, E.coli infection to induce diarrhea) and twice daily at other times appears to reduce diarrhea as well as intestinal pain related to the diarrhea relative to placebo; overall amount of E.coli recovered in the feces was not altered.

Protection By Milk Immunoglobulin Concentrate Against Oral Challenge With Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli


Supplementation of colostrum immunized against E.coli given 3.55g of the immunoglobulins thrice daily taken 15 minutes after meals for one week prior to being fed E.coli prevented diarrhea from E.coli ingestion despite diarrhea still occuring in the control group given the colostrum immunized against rotavirus. Total E.coli in the feces did not appear to be altered with immunized colostrum.